Friday, June 22, 2012

Los Angeles' "The League" starts tomorow

Sherrise Smith's "The League" opens its season tomorrow. The full schedule will be posted next week, but here is tomorrow's lineup:

6/23 (Games at Marlborough School)
1:00 5v7
2:00 10v11
3:00 1v2
4:00 3v6
5:00 9v12
6:00 4v8

1. Pink – (BBG)
2. Black – (beast mode)
3. Yellow – (AVC)
4. White – (cal state LA)
5. Orange – (SF state)
6. Red – (encore)
7. Baby blue – (UCSD)
8. Teal – (smith)
9. Forrest green – (black mamba)
10. Blue - (GSAC)
11. Lime Green – (team right now)
12. Purple – (Mustang Alumni)

The Say No Classic will begin July 6. The website isn't up yet.


Anonymous said...

Any details on notable players on each team?

Sue Favor said...

I'm still waiting for rosters from the league organizers, which will help me figure out who I'm looking at. I will provide more detailed reports in coming weeks.