4 p.m.........all five courts are in use at the Hanger Athletic Xchange, Hawthorne, CA.
Invitational bracket champions.
Elite bracket champions.
Open bracket champions.
There were more coaches there today than yesterday. I think I saw just about every Pac-10 coach there, or a representative: Charli Turner Thorne, Nikki Caldwell, Paul Westhead, the USC, Cal, WSU, and Washington assistants. Niya Butts and LaVonda Wagner were back from yesterday. I didn't see anyone from Stanford there, but I could have missed them. The Rutgers assistant coach was there, wearing a shirt with a huge letter "R" on the front and back.
I talked to Paul Westhead for a minute, introducing myself as a U of O alumni. He was perfectly pleasant, and I enjoyed meeting him.
Only a very few coaches stayed until the bitter end today, including the Fresno State assistant. It's a hard job, to watch game after game and girl after girl. The Cal Sparks are to be commended for putting on a quality, professional tournament.
Now begins the NCAA dead period through Monday, July 20.
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