Thursday, April 9, 2009

From NC State and Oklahoma

North Carolina State isn't offering Stephanie Glance the head coaching job:

During a phone call with WRAL Thursday night, Kay Yow's brother, Ronnie Yow, called the decision not to hire Glance "disturbing."

"They've pulled the rug out from under that program... it's an insane thing to do," he said.

The brother of N.C. State's legendary coach stressed that it was always Kay Yow's intention to turn her program over to Glance. "I feel like I need to defend my sister," he said providing WRAL with a copy of a letter written by Kay Yow two years ago.

Story link:

I'm not into game playing or politics, so I don't know if they're just going through the proper channels before hiring Glance, or if they really don't want to respect Yow's wishes. But it seems like Glance is the logical fit for the job.

In the meantime, Courtney Paris may not be able to give money back to Oklahoma, but she's going to start a community fund. Stubborn young woman:

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